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成员与分工: 卷首语: 对于中国古典园林,我们经过上学期的学习已经有了初步的了解,如今,就让我们踏上探寻美国园林的发展历程吧 * 纽约中央公园 * * Landscape Architecture in America--European Influence on American Landscape Architecture and Colonial gardens. 美国园林——欧洲对美国园林的影响和殖民地园林 Unit 3 * In studying the progress of garden art and landscape architecture in America,especially whenever any comparison with Europe is implied,one fundamental difference should always be taken into account.By comparison with Europe,America has never had a large number of great private garden estates. 在研究美国园林艺术和园林学的发展历程中,特别是无论何时与欧洲做任何比较,应该重视一个根本差别,即和欧洲相比,美国从没有出现过大量著名的私人花园。 1、 * A certain number were indeed created,but many of them have already been abandoned,and none has ever had a permanent leadership or influence.At most they represent a transitory phase of American culture. 一定数量的私人花园的确存在过,但是它们中的大多数已经被废弃,没有一个有过持久的领导力和影响力。他们最多只能代表美国文化的一个短暂阶段。 * On the other hand the American taste in small home grounds represents something permanent,general and significant;and this may be said to be a natural corollary of the earliest tradition. 另一方面,美国人对小型庭院的偏好代表着某种永久的、普遍的和重大的意义,这也可能是由于其早期的传统风格所导致的必然结果。 * 2、 Civilization in America began,as it were,full-fledged,The early colonists came direct from the settled civilization of Europe,particularly from England. Many of them were persons of education and refinement;some were men of substance. 美洲文明可以说很早就已经成熟了。因为早期的殖民者直接来自高度文明的欧洲,特别是英国。他们中的很多人都受过良好的教育,举止文雅,其中不乏富人。 * Under such circumstance one might expect that evidences of culture, including the making of gardens in America,would be shown very early,and that some of the slow and painful stages of progress as witnessed in the Old World might be altogether elided. 在这种情况下,有人认为包括造园艺术在内的文明进程很早就在美国出现,而且跳过了旧大陆出现的漫长而痛苦的摸索过程。 * This is in fact what happened.Other circumstances contributed to the popularity of gardening in America.Every colony was compelled under threat of imminent starvation to gain an immediate living from the soil. Practical gardening and simple agricul


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