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九年级Uint7 Where would you like to visit? Section B教学设计 一 教材分析 : 二 学生情况分析 : 三 教学目标 : 四 情感 、态度 、价值观 : 五 教学重点 : 六 教学难点 : 七 教学设计 : 准备(两块小黑板,黑板擦,彩色粉笔,让学生准备个旅游地方名称) 师生问好() Step1 Free talk (安排一个同学准备十一旅游话题的课前演讲) (OK, today’s free talk. Welcome) Ask questions (三个学生对刚才的演讲提问) (your questions?) ① 由此过渡到新课的学习(When you are on vacation, what’s important to you?) not too hot not very far near the ocean fresh air educational beautiful scenery exciting peaceful safety delicious food cheap comfortable relaxing can sleep well colorful culture polite people has romantic legend (拿两个小黑板,分成两组,各派人员到前面拿黑板,计算笑脸,准备两个黑板擦,几色粉笔) Step2 Listening ② (展示听力中的三幅图片) (please think about, among the three pictures, where would you like to visit?) 导入:(找学生描述图片)P1 (ss: I want to go somewhere warm, so I’d like to visit p1 ) P2 (T: There is something in the water, maybe an animal, what’s it? Ss: Whale T: Yes, that’s a whale watch tour. Ss: I’d like to go there. I want a nature tour.) P3 (T: is it very exciting? Ss: … T: maybe it’s fun for kids.) 听: Now let’s call the travel agency to ask for some information. But the boss is out and Jeff will answer the phone. Please listen and number them. If you have enough time, you can also fill in chart of 2b (做完第一题核对答案,找两个同学在小黑板上写第二题答案,将表格划在小黑板上) Step3 Groupwork (4Ss in a group, a group leader works for a travel agency) (let’s talk about where we would like to go.) Name Wants Doesn’t want Destination(目的地) (用下面的对话样式调查,填写表格,最后由组长口头展示调查结果,老师展示图片,小组讨论为他 选择目的地) Sample 1 A: Where would you like to go/visit? B: I’d like to go somewhere warm/places that has a lot of …/is…/ where there are polite people. A: What else can you tell me? B: I don’t want/wouldn’t like to go somewhere cold and busy. I want/ would like to go to a place where there is an ocean.I can enjoy sun


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