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成都青白江西部物流枢纽项目 部铁路物流中心建设实施意见》要求,积极推进项目建设,建设并完善各项配套设施,力求中心站和两大物流园区早投运,力争尽快形成承载能力。 做好项目融资工作,以成都现代物流投资发展有限公司为平台,以市场化配置资源为手段,创新投融资体制,多渠道筹措项目建设,破解资金瓶颈。 引进知名物流企业,做好国内外知名物流企业、上市物流公司、知名大型船运公司引进入园工作,力争年内再引入1—3家顶级物流企业入驻。四是要积极申报保税物流中心,广泛争取支持,力争尽快设立保税物流中心(B型)。五是要发挥物流业的辐射和带动作用,成为城乡统筹经济发展的核心增长极和促进东部产业西移的重要引擎。 the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit


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