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2013中秋节第一次香港游(菜鸟游香港攻略一) 2013在所以 出行前准备工作, 港澳台通行证证当然是必不可少了,签证有一般为二种(内地)有长期具体 就要说说出关了,深圳罗湖过关缺点-24:00,而且人多一般个人游多选择罗湖出关。皇岗缺点其他 说说港币兑换,在建议汇率 去香港一定要说出行八达通不可少,因为100票值)分儿童 旅游路线:罗湖上水九龙塘红磡尖东尖沙嘴油麻地旺角旺角 首先到深圳,我罗宝线到)跟着上二楼 过关时记得多拿几张香港地图,过终点当然 坐地铁到“红磡站”,港铁是三种语言播报的和深圳一样不用担心自己听不懂(粤语、中文)下车尖东 以上是东铁线 线路图 从尖东下车就可以看到星光大道的指示牌, 跟着星光大道指示牌从J出口出来就可以看到 香港艺术馆 对面可以看到建设银行的LOGO 恭喜你现在已经到香港的星光大道了 往右边再50米就有专门照相的了,不是最好真黑 接着往下走就是码头,往了海港城 新港中心B1层有吃饭的地方, 沿着弥敦道走,前面油麻地旺角旺角如果相对买化妆品只要有很多小吃有一家 总结: 在香港不用担心说话和语言问题,香港粤语客家东北英语韩语日letters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the last mile. Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jinping stressed development of innovation forest restructuring, revitalization of the old industrial bases in Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were ... Vigorous determination does not waver, the work does not slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their own efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must seize the opportunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, to start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadres at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement the new development philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, open, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new development concepts, training cadres. In a new development concept a



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