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简析现代企业及事业单位如何创新人力资源管理 天津市经济体制改革研究所 张林鸿 二〇一〇年十一月 管理学大师德鲁克认为,企业的资源固然有很多,最重要的资源只有一个,即人力资源。在充分竞争的市场上,企业的竞争力一般主要来源于自身所拥有的优秀的人力资源,同样,事业单位的工作成效在很大程度上也取决于对人力资源的开发利用和管理。随着知识经济时代的来临,不断创新人力资源管理,不仅是现代企业确立并不断巩固自身市场竞争优势的重要举措,也是各类事业单位强化社会服务、发展社会在知识经济发挥作用发展随着现代市场经济的迅速发展,的竞争已由传统的产品竞争,转变为科技、知识的竞争的竞争。一方面是对人才的渴求,另一方面是的相对 胡锦涛2010年9月16日在第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议上的致辞 同注1 天津市委书记张高丽2010年11月19日在全市教育工作会议上的讲话 行为心理学研究发现,人类的行为可归类为老虎、孔雀、考拉、猫头鹰这四种典型动物的基因组合,之所以每个人有不同的惯常行为模式,是因为这四种动物基因在不同的人身上比例含量不同,而且所处活跃或沉睡的状态也不同。 江泽民同志在庆祝建党八十周年大会上的讲话 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique,



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