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[给力词汇]高中版:2011高考英语高频词汇精选-第24期 1. add ? vt.vi增加,增添 add to增添 add … to… 往……添加…… add up together 合计 add up to 合计达,加起来总和是 Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. 烟火给节日之夜增色不少。 She added some salt to the soup. 她往汤里加了些盐。 Add up these figures and you will see which is the right answer. 把这些数字加起来,你就会知道哪个是正确的答案。 It is reported that the number of visitors to the exhibition adds up to 15,000 every day. 据报道每天来参观展览的人数达到15000人。 Please add a note to the posters and say that your teacher himself will play the last piece. 请在海报上再加一条,说你的老师将亲自演奏最后一个曲目。 2. concern ? vt.涉及,关系到,参与;使担心,使操心? n.关心;关注;(利害)关系 concern oneself with/in 从事(参与、干涉) concern oneself about/for… 因为……担忧(关心)某人 concern sb./sth. 关心某人(某事) as/so far as…be concerned 就……而言 as concerns 关于( concerning) feel/show concern about/for… 担心(关心、挂念) be concern with 与……有关的 be concern about/for… 关心 The matter concerns the interests of the people. 这件事关系到人民的利益。 He is so concerned about you. 他对你是那样地关心。 ??3. survey ? n.概观,概论,全面评述;民意调查,民意测验? vt. 查看,审视,眺望(风景等) make a general survey of sth. 纵观某事物 make a survey of sth. 调查某事物 I’m not good at making a general survey of matters. 我不善于纵观事物。 The reporter made a survey of river pollution. 记者对河流污染问题进行了调查。 The next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire. 次日清晨我们查看了火灾的破坏情况。 ??4. upset ? v.使不安,使心烦;打乱,搅乱(计划等);弄翻;使不舒服? adj.心烦意乱的(不置于名词前);(胃等)不舒服的;(计划等)搅乱的;翻倒的 The bad news upset him. 坏消息使他心烦意乱。 His mind was too much upset. 他心烦意乱。 5. walk ?? vt.vi.陪伴……走,护送……走;牵着(动物)走,溜(动物),赶着……走;步行于…… I’ll walk you to the station. 我陪你走到车站吧。 They walk their dogs every day. 他们每天都遛狗。 It needs courage to walk the tightrope. 走钢丝需要勇气。 [给力词汇]高中版:2011高考英语高频词汇精选-第25期 1、cheat ? n.骗子? vt.欺骗,欺诈? vi.作弊,舞弊 cheat sb. out of sth. 骗取某人的某物 cheat sb. into the belief that… 骗某人相信…… cheat sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事 例句:In order to get the child to eat more, the mother cheated him into the belief that he would get a new boy. 为了让孩子多吃点,妈妈骗他相信会得到一个新玩具。 例句:He was caught cheating in/on an exam. 他考试作弊时被当场抓获。 ?2、reason n.理由,原因,理性


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