【跨文化交流-外教】4 BBoC2 - particularist vs universalist.pptVIP

【跨文化交流-外教】4 BBoC2 - particularist vs universalist.ppt

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Individualist or Collectivist? Count how many Individualist or Collectivist answers you chose. 1 a. C b. I 2. a. C b. I 3. a. I b. C 4. a. I b. C 5. a. C b. I 6. a. C b. I 7. a. C b. I 8. a. I b. C 9. a. I b. C 10. a. C b. I What % collectivist/indivudualist are you? I am 80% individualist. Building Block #2 Personal versus Societal Responsibility The Accident You are riding in a car driven by your cousin when he hits a pedestrian (person walking). There are no other witnesses and the pedestrian is bruised, but not badly hurt. The speed limit in this area is 30 km/h, but you noticed that your cousin was driving about 60 km/h. His lawyer tells you that if you testify in court that your friend was driving 30 km/h, he will suffer no serious consequences. Would you do it? The Results 96% of Americans said they would not lie 66% of Venezuelans said they would lie. Why do you think this is so? Universalism Certain absolutes apply, regardless of circumstances or situation What is right is always right You should try to apply the same rules to everyone in like situations To be fair is to treat everyone alike and not make exceptions for family, friends, or members of your in-group. Universalism (cont.) In-group/out-group distinctions are minimized. Where possible, you should lay your personal feelings aside and look at situations objectively While life isn’t necessarily fair, you can make it more fair by treating everyone the same Particularism How you behave in a given situation depends on the circumstances What is right in one situation may not be right in another You treat family, friends, and your in-groups the best you can and let the rest of the world take care of itself (their in-groups will protect them). Particularism (cont.) One’s in-groups and out-groups are clearly distinguished There will always be exceptions made for certain people To be fair is to treat everyone as unique In any case, no one expects life to be fair Personal feeling



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