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说明: (1)欢迎使用《欧洲文化入门》考试大纲(附 (2)本大纲资料提供:Li Yun 扫描整理:Lu Dongbao (3)本大纲为扫描版本,虽经多次检查,但出现拼写错误在所难免,希望各位网友在使用过程中发现错误后通过发帖或Email告知大家。 (ludongbao@163.com) Introduction TWO major elements in European culture Division 1 Greek Culture and Roman Culture 1,Greek culture (1) The Historical Context war between Greece and Troy high point of development Alexander Alexandria (2)social and political structure meaning Of democracy meaning Of people economy-slave labor sports and Olympics (3) Homer the time Of Homer two epics the Story of the two epics (5) Drama How were plays performed? (b) Sophocles his contribution and influence (d) Comedy Characteristics Of comedy (6) History (a) Herodotus father of history-war between Greeks and Persians feature Of his writing object in writing main idea of the excerpt (b) Thucydidest what he wrot6 about main idea of the excerpt (7) Philosophy and Science. why philosophy developed in ancient Greece Pythagoras--founder of scientific mathematics Heraeleitue----the theory of the mingling of opposites--strife between the opposites producing harmony Democritus---atomic theory(另外注意P.27 第二段) (a) Socrates - his life his method of argument trial and the reason last part of the speech before he died(main idea) (b) Plato his Life his writing his philosophy---idealism (c) Aristotle his life range of his writings his influence difference b-en Plato and Aristotle (d) Contending Schools of Thought the Cynics the Epicureans--their belief misrepresent8tion the Stoics--their theory (e) Science contribution of philosophers like Plato Euclid---Elements Archimedes---his contribution application of science; five fields (8) Art, Architecture, Sculpture and Pottery (b) Archit6Ctue Parthenon three styles Acropolis at Athens (9) impact (a) spirit of innovation (b) supreme achievement (c) Greek philosophy and its influence innocence of Greek Literature 2, Roman Culture (1 ) Romans and Greeks Latin and Greek similarity Of Romans and Greeks one big diff6rence attitu



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