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# 目 录 1.线束的功能, 术语和实样 2.轿车主要线束 3.导线 4.端子 5.压接 6.连接件系统 7.焊接点 8.卡钉和卡箍 9.胶带和波纹管 10.公差和尺寸 11.绑定和捆扎 1,线 束 的 功 能 线束是汽车中用于电能和信号分配系统的通称。功能包括: 以合理安全的形式给用电设备如灯泡,电机等分配动力 传递和反馈信号 线束控制汽车主要的电气功能 线 束 实 样 1.什么是好的线束设计? 一个良好的线束设计应包括: 完全,正确地反映客户的要求。 质量: 无错误 无不确定的定义 可靠性: Low cost 满足成本的目标 结构: 易于制造和生产 导线的选择考虑如下的因数 原理图 环境温度要求 耐磨 负载 挠性 特殊要求 成本 导 线 一组由于信号或动力传递,有绝缘层保护的金属导体 导 线 颜 色 4,端 子 公差表... 新设计的公差表2 10.尺寸和公差(续) 10.尺寸和公差(续) Tape back 绑定 为总装安装方便,用易撕胶带将一些分支捆住 11.绑定和捆扎 捆 扎 为发运,搬运,安装方便所做的包扎。 谢 谢 大 家 的 参 与 ! 结束语 线束用于分配动力和分配信号 轿车上的常见线束有仪表板,车身,发动机和门线束等12种 线束区分为主干和分支。包含导线,端子,塑件,卡钉,胶带等元件。 导线和端子用压接方式连接 线束必须用卡钉/卡箍固定在车体上 用PVC胶带缠绕线束,使其形成主干和分支,用波纹管来防护 线束用纸胶带捆扎,方便搬运和装配。 Validation requirements are intended to demonstrate compliance to reliability goals over a period of customer usage representing 10 years of exposure or 170,000 kilometers This slide shows some elementary wiring terms used by Delphi Packard engineers. These 3 terms, wiring assembly, wiring harness and harness, refer to the same object, however ‘wiring assembly’ is recommended to use within Delphi Packard. Bundle normally refers to a portion of wiring assembly where multi-wires are bound together with some kind of coverings. The term ‘bundle size’ is commonly used Breakout refers to a point where 2 or more branches split Branch is a portion of wiring assembly starting from a breakout point and ending at a connector, a ring terminal or a fuse box. Sometimes bundle and branch are exchangeable. Ring terminal is typically un-insulated “ring” used to connect to battery stud or grounding stud Fuse block is a box where fuses or circuit breakers are located GT connectors are new products that cater for all feedback from customers, such as low engage force, CPA(Connector Position Assurance) and PLR(Primary Lock Reinforcement) capability, rounded edge, protected seals, etc. 100, 150, 280, 480 and 630 are referring the width of male terminal pin in metric unit. Normally the hi


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