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Classified Index: CODE :10075 U.D.C : NO A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Philosophy The Research of Confucian Loyalty and Forgiveness Candidate: Mu Qing Supervisor: Associate Prof. Xin Lili Academic Degree Applied for : Master of Philosophy Specialty: Ethics University : Hebei University Date of Oral Examination : June ,2013 摘 要 摘 要 在我国传统的儒家哲学范畴当中,有一言可以当得,投诸四海皆为准,践效一生尽 立德的评述。就此而言,则非我国传统儒家的“忠恕”之道而莫属。或言儒家的忠恕思 想不但能够当得所谓万德之本、百善之根,即它可谓是集成了儒道心德之本体;并且同 时又可以称之为:发此心德而行之于外、成于其用,并最终转化成了万人之善念、之德 行、之人伦、之情理。正所谓 “一以贯之”之道,“忠恕”而已矣。而且从某种程度而 言,虽然同为指向孔夫子宏大心灵境界和其终极人文关怀的人格理念,忠恕思想比夫子 的“仁”理念更具有针对于忠、孝、礼、知、义等这些儒家具体伦理德行概念的直入性、 具体性、规范性和指引性。因此,忠恕之道也就更能够作为当世人效行一生的行为准则 (或言这一准则的抽象本体)。通俗来讲就夫子之儒学理论体系而言,忠恕思想能做到 集融其整体而又于其中发挥着上传下达的作用。而笔者认为这两层恰为儒学忠恕之道的 广义和狭义两个理论层面的含义。 关键词 忠恕 一贯之道 仁 体 用 I Abstract Abstract In Chinas traditional Confucian philosophical categories, among them, a word can be seen, the truth of the world, and his virtues. In this regard, I believe that the only Chinese traditional Confucian Loyalty and Forgiveness to complete this. In other words the Confucian Loyalty and Forgiveness which is called the root of all virtues and the Confucianism Consistent Theory is the moral of all people on the metaphysics level. With the point personality philosophy of Confucius grand spiritual realm and its ultimate humane care, the Confucian Loyalty and Forgiveness is more straightforward normative and spec



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