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民间艺术语言在动画表现中的艺术魅力 Folk art, as an important part of traditional art, with its unique charm and tenacious vitality, always sending out yi yi. Many folk art masterpiece, Chinese art was inherited and retained, it is the Chinese nation one thousand years people create and enjoy the culture, is the creation of the people wisdom. Many art forms of the folk art, has formed its own characteristics, such as shadow play and paper cutting, its modelling is simple but not dull, exaggerated but not weird, unified, rich changes in image bold, witty humor appeal and not constrained by the reality, the artistic technique of expression, is worth in todays art creators in-depth study and discussion. Of these, and can find a lot of quite deep origin and modern animation art form. Folk wisdom of regimes, puppet show, shadow play, is the forerunner of the modern art of animation. 从本土文化中寻找动画形象,是我们今天动画创作的有效手段。中国本土艺术造型语言非常丰富,但如何能成为动画造型形象,使之把传统的本土文化符号转化为一种倍受当代人所喜爱的艺术形象,尤其是结合当代人的审美需求创新的动画语言,应该深入的研究。20世纪60年代以来借鉴水墨画、剪纸、木偶、皮影等本土艺术造型语言的塑造创作动画片都比较优秀,我们曾经有过十分优秀的动画片,在国内外享有较高的声誉,例如《大闹天宫》、《哪吒闹海》、《骄傲的将军》等大型动画片在形象设计方面毫不逊色于同一时代的迪斯尼动画片。因为它既不同于迪斯尼的造型风格,又不同于日本动画的传统风格,是一种带有中国特色和民族个性风格、承载着中国文化的动画形象。这些优秀动画片都是从民间艺术中吸取了大量有益的成分,使作品具有极强的形式感和民族特色,至今仍是我国动画乃至世界动画艺术的经典范例。 Looking for animation image from the native culture, is an effective method for our animation production today. Chinese art language is very rich, but how can you become animation modelling image, make the traditional Chinese culture symbols into a highly modern people favorite art image, especially in combination with contemporary aesthetic demand innovation of animation language, should be studied in-depth. Drawing ink paintings since 1960 s, the paper-cut, puppet, shadow play, etc. Local art modelling language creation animation is good, we had very good cartoon, enjoy high reputation both at home and abroad, such as the great heaven, nezha conquers make the sea , proud generals large animation image design in such aspects as the same time Disn


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