(四六级)Writing Skills.pptVIP

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(四六级)Writing Skills.ppt

On Food Safety 接连发生的食品安全问题引起大家的密切关注,比如牛奶问题 请分析一下食品安全的重要性 你认为相关部门应采取什么措施加强食品安全 Para. 1 In recent years, the problems of food safety have aroused the public attention, For example, people got very angry when the poisonous milk products appeared. Undoubtedly it’s fatal to the public if the problems are put aside. Para.2 The importance of food safety can be narrowed down to two points. For one thing, without food safety, people are always in danger. We have meat filled with river water, snacks with antiseptics and milk with poison. Such kind of dangerous diets can lead us to illness. Children and the elderly will be the primary victims. For another, the problems may cause damage to the image of our government both at home and abroad. Our people can never trust our civil servants for they can’t even guarantee our health. What’s worse, our dangerous food will never be exported. Para.3 From my perspective, those vicious manufacturers should not be forgiven any more. Strict laws should be put forward by our government and heavy punishment must be imposed on them. All in all, food safety will be ensured with the joint efforts from the government, manufactures as well as the public. 四六级观点类作文模版 第一段:第1-2句话描述现象。 紧接着第3句给出topic sentence. 第二段:第1句为bridging sentence,即承上启下 的过渡句 第2部分用关联词分2-3点展开topic sentence 第三段:用2句话表达你的观点,但观点应明确; 第3句用总结性关联词总结全文,并回应topic sentence。 注意: 第二段第1句可以套用: The importance of…./The reasons for…./ The causes for….. can be listed/ narrowed down as follows. 第三段最后1句用什么样的关联词应仔细考虑与前两句在逻辑上的连贯性,主要有总结、因果和转折三种关系。总结性的关联词有In a word, To sum up, In conclusion, All in all; 因果关系的有Thus, Therefore, In this way; 转折关系After all, Anyhow 请比较example From my perspective, those vicious manufacturers should not be forgiven any more. Strict laws should be put forward by our government and heavy punishment must be imposed on them.(围绕题目要求,重申主题) All in all, food safety will be ensured with the joint efforts from the government, manufactu


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