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上海市房屋租赁合同(中英文) Shanghai Property Lease Contract ? 特别告知 IMPORTANT ? 一、本合同适用于本市行政区域范围内的商品房预租以及按市场化原则协商确定租赁的房屋租赁,不包括按市政府规定的租金标准出租的公有居住房屋、行政调配方式出租和政府投资建造的公益性的非居住房屋以及在《条例》施行前按照市政府规定的租金标准出租的私有居住房屋的租赁。 This Contract is applicable to pre-lease of commodity houses and market-based house lease within the administrative area of Shanghai Municipality, excluding lease of public residential properties based on the government-specified rental rates, lease of houses in the manner of administrative allocation, lease of non-residential public properties whose construction is funded by the government, and the lease of private residential properties leased at the government-specified rental rates before implementation of Shanghai Regulations on Leasing of Housing Premises. 二、预租仅限于房地产开发企业投资建造,并已取得预售许可证的商品房,但房地产开发企业已经预售的商品房不得预租;商品房预购人也不得将预购房商品房预租。 Pre-lease is only limited to the commodity houses built and invested in by real estate developers and issued with the pre-sale permit, excluding the commodity houses already pre-sold by real estate developers. The pre-buyers of commodity houses shall not pre-lease the pre-bought properties. 三、本合同条款中的【出租】或【预租】为提示性符号,表示该条款适用于出租行为或预租行为。本合同作为房屋租赁合同使用时,只能采用标有【出租】部分的内容;而作为商品房预租合同使用时,则只能采用【预租】部分的条款和补充条款中的“ 预租有关事宜”部分的条款。其他未标有【】符号的条款作为通用性条款,不论预租或出租都适用。 The mark 【lease】or【pre-lease】indicated in the provisions of this Contract is indicative, which means that the marked clause is applicable to lease or pre-lease activity, as the case may be. If this Contract is used for lease, only the provisions marked with 【lease】 can be adopted, while only the provisions marked with【pre-lease】and the supplementary clauses concerning pre-lease matters are applicable to the pre-lease case. Other provisions without the“【 】” mark are for general purpose, applicable to both lease and pre-lease. 四、本合同用于商品房预租的,在该商品房竣工,房地产开发企业办理了房地产初始登记、取得了房地产权证后,预租双方当事人应当签订商品房使用交接书。该合同即转为房屋租赁合同,合同内的原预租条款履行完毕。 If this Contract is used for pre-lease of commodity houses, the parties to the pr


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