Understanding business 商务导论.pptVIP

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2014-2015-Term 1 Section 1:Prologue (序言) 1.New term new start my wish 2.Self introduction 3.Get to know the students 4.Ground rules and special requirements for students Section 2: About the course (课程) 1.An introduction to the text 2.What teaching tools will be used in the class? 3. Learning objectives 4. The features of this edition and the layout of the text 5. Learning habits and some hints for learning business Section 3: Course assessment (评估) 1. Assessment criteria(标准) Section 4: Reading list 1. Books, journals, magazines, and websites. Live in TIANFU college 1、态度决定一切 2、思考(思想/想法) SECTION 1 社会学院 科学学院 人文学院 University(大学) 全方位知识的进路 《大学》专讲修身/齐家/治国/平天下 大人之学,亦为未来之君主、栋梁领导天下的必修之学 SECTION 1 Show you a video Course lecturer: 何华 Education: Contact details: Email: hehuass12@ Office hour: 8:00-10:00 AM, Thursdays Why is important to talk with your teacher? Why is important to talk with your teacher? Searching for any kind of help Widen your thinking Assist your academic study and personal career development Establish long-term friendship Attend the lectures on time Hand out home work and assignments on time Participate discussions and group works actively Switch off cell phones Prepare for the lecture and read recommended newspapers and journals after class Special requirements What is important to study in university? Self study – self management, self study consciousness(意识), and how to study correctly. Time management- being a good planner. Self discipline (自我约束). Why do we study this course bilingually? To practice how to use theories and concepts to solve problems. To cultivate critical thinking (批判思考) To establish the habit of questioning (探究,质疑) 1) An introduction for the authors of this textbook William G Nickels, University of Maryland James M McHugh, St. Louis Community College at Forest


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