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由于部分原因,说明书已删除大部分,完整版说明书,CAD图纸等,联系174320523 各专业都有 土豆去皮机设计 学 生: 指导老师: 摘 要:马铃薯去皮是所有马铃薯制品加工工艺过程的重要环节的各种去皮方法都各自有一定的局限性。随着马铃薯产业的发展和我国社会经济的进步,如何寻找一种优质、高效、节能环保的马铃薯皮方法己成为马铃薯加工工艺过程中迫切需要解决的问题。The Design on Potato Peeling Machine Student: Tutor: (College of engineering, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China) Abstract:Peel potatoes is the important part of the process of all potato products processing technology, and all kinds of available methods of peeling potato skin each have some limitations. Along with the development of the potato industry and Chinas social and economic progress, how to search for a high quality, highly effective, energy-conservationly, environmentally method of peeling potatoes has become the machining process of the urgent need to address the problem. Peeling skins is more applicated in fruits and vegetables processing, to remove dont need or not food material, and to improve the appearance of the finished product. The main consideration factors include: reduce removed part of the energy, and may reduce the labor and material costs to lower overall costs. Here introduces the method of peeling skin by friction: potatoes are placed in the working cylinder, with certain rotation speed applications, the potatoes in working interior is under the joint action of the centrifugal force, gravity, and the friction, using the relative speed between the chute and potatoes, take out the potatoes leather , and rinsed clean by the amount of water . The advantage of the method is due to the whole process is over at room temperature, thus has the energy consumption and low cost, no heat damage, and good food appearance. Key words: Potato; Peeled and machines;Friction;Design 1 前言 1.1 研究的目的与意义 马铃薯是高产稳产作物,它有很高的营养价值,我国的马铃薯种植面积居世界第二,我国丰富的马铃薯资源至今没有很好开发利用,绝大部分只用作杂粮和饲料,每年的霉烂损失甚大,用于加工的尚不到5%,主要是制作淀粉、粉丝和酒精[1]。自1985年起我们从国外引进了30余套油炸土豆片生产线,从目前生产销售情况看收到令人满意的效果,已引起社会各方面的关注,特别是引起了盛产土豆的农业区域企业家的兴趣。然而从国外引进一条生产线需35


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