在月亮下面英汉对照 初中英语.pdf

在月亮下面英汉对照 初中英语.pdf

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在月亮下面英汉对照 初中英语.pdf

Under the Moon 在月亮下面   简 介   太阳是一个巨大的燃烧着的火球。没有来自太阳的光和热,我们就不能在地球这颗 行星上生存。在这颗行星周围有臭氧层保护着我们免受太阳之火的伤害。但是如果臭氧层 破裂,将会怎样呢?现在臭氧层上已经有了小洞,有人说那些小洞会变得越来越大—— 直到有一天再没有任何东西挡在我们和太阳的火焰之间。   事情发生在 2222 年。地球人制造了AOL——人工臭氧层。美丽的地球又有了 1000 年 的生命。树又发芽了,下雨了,河里有了水……   但现在是 2522 年,人工臭氧层已经破裂。幼嫩的树林开始枯萎,河流也逐渐干涸。 凯和瑞拉从他们的宇宙飞船里看到了这危险的情景,可他们又能做些什么呢?月亮下面 的部族里住着他们的朋友,可是路途遥远,而地球首领高格又不肯听从他们的指挥。   本书的作者罗维纳 阿金耶米是英国人。曾在非洲居住和工作了多年。现在她在剑桥 · 工作和生活。   1 AOL   1 AOL   Five hundred kilometres over Europe,ShipOM-45 moved north .In a room at the backof the ship ,Kiah watched the numbers onthe computer in front of him .   ‘Time for dinner ,’Rillasaid .   The numbers changed quickly and Kiah's eyes didn't move .Rillawent across the room to his table .Shebegan to watch the numbers,too .   ‘What's wrong with thesatellite ?’she asked .Shewas a beautiful girl,about twenty yearsold ,with long black hair and big eyes .   ‘Nothing's wrong with thesatellite,’Kiah answered quietly .‘It'sthe AOL .’He began to write the numbersin the book on his table .   Suddenly,the numbersstopped changing .Kiah looked at Rilla .‘OverEurope,’he said .‘It'shappening.The AOL is breaking up .Thereare big holes in the AOL and they're getting bigger .’   ‘ ! , ?’ You're right Shallwe see Captain Seru now before dinner   Kiah stood up .He wasnearly two metres tall,with dark eyesand .‘ , ,’ . hair Yes comeon he said   Quickly,they went toCaptain Seru's room .They waited at thedoor . 第 1 页 共 26 页 / 原版英语阅读网   ‘ !’ . .‘ Come in captainSeru called She was a little woman witha fat face Come !




