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雅思口语话题素材:一件家具 在雅思口语 part2 中可能会考到家具的话题,如果平时对这方面 的素材没有积累可能会出现词穷的尴尬情况,下面小编给大家整理了 雅思口语话题素材:一件家具 ,希望可以帮助到大家。 雅思口语题库话题part2原创范文:家中家具(furniture) native speaker 口语范文: 1.适用人群:全适用 2.主题:多功能橡木电脑桌 3.故事线:这款多功能电脑桌陪伴作者多年,亮点是这张桌子由 木匠手工打造,兼顾了实用和美观。和一张桌子培养出感情来,话匣 子一下就打开了。 I pass most of the time with my computer table when I am at home. This is the favourite piece of furniture for me. In fact, I am in love with this furniture. This is a very interesting question to deal with. Thank you for this nice candidate task card topic. Hope you will enjoy the description of the table in brief now. This is a w den computer table. I use it for various purposes. Mostly I use the table for using my personal computer. But sometimes, I also use it as a reading and writing table as well. I do not have any other tables in my r m. So, the computer table plays multifarious roles for me. You may also be surprised hearing that often I use this table for dining t . The table is made with oak w d. And it is black in colour. The table was made by the local carpenter. He made the table with the finest oak w ds so that it could sustain for years. Yes, he did his best to make the table. I have been using the table for over six consecutive years. By this period of time, there are no notable changes in the table. There are only some scratches on its back. Even the colour of the table has also not been faded at all. There are also issue with the wooden table that they do not last long or get damaged. Luckily, I did not have such experiences so far with the table. I use the table frequently. In fact, it is used around the day when I am at home. To be honest, I spend less time on my bed than this table. I play games, watch movies, browse the Internet, make my assignments and many more things. Sometimes, I place my coffee m


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