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老年住宅 城市老旧住区适老化改造的需求、实施困境与 规划对策 ——内生动力与外力介入的协同治理探讨 Study on Home Fit Improvement for Seniors in Old Residential Areas — Collaborative Governance of Endogenous Power and External Intervention 【摘 要】 以上海为例,在对城市老旧住区进行调研的基础上,通过典型住区和人群的抽样数据分析,揭示当前老旧住区 改造趋势及规划实施所面临的问题;提出老旧住区中的人口结构特征及住户需求向意愿的转化是改造的原动力,政府—市 场—社会等对老旧住区改造规划的推进是改造的外部助力,两者协同方能有效推进老旧住区改造规划的顺利实施。由于改 造的内生动力存在差异,不同的外力介入需要与之契合才能有效发挥作用。文章尝试建立适老化改造的内生动力和外力介 入的分析框架,用以判断在不同内生动力状况下的不同外力的有效介入策略,从而实现协同治理的目标。 【关键词】 老旧住区;适老化改造;内生动力;外部介入;协同治理 Based on a survey of old residential areas in Shanghai, this paper analyzes the current trends and problems faced by the 【Abstract 】 transformation of old residential areas through sampling data of typical residential areas and typical populations. The study found that the population in old residential areas, the transformation of structural characteristics and household needs to wishes is the driving force behind the transformation. The government-market-society promotion of the transformation of old settlements is the external assistance for transformation. The synergy between the two can effectively promote the benign and sustainable development of old settlements. Due to the difference in the transformation of demand and willingness in the endogenous power of the residential area during the process of transformation, different conditions have been created for different external forces to intervene. This paper establishes a matrix sequence research framework of endogenous power and external force intervention suitable for aging transformation through qualitative analysis, and judges the effective intervention of different external forces in different endogenous power intervals to achieve the goal of collaborative governance. old residential area; adaptive aging; endogenous power;


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