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阅读课件 Hard work in saving pandas (P4-5) Pre-reading 1. What do you know about panda? 2. What can we do to protect the pandas? 3. Do you know any other endangered animals in China? Top 5 most endangered animals in China Giant panda White-flag dolphin Golden snub-nosed money South China tiger Crested Ibis 1. How many wild pandas are there in China now? A. 1,600 B. 1,800 C. 1,650 解D析.:1答,8 D。 本题是一道细节理解题。从文章第二段第一句 According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are 1,850 pandas in the wild in China now. 可以得知现存的熊猫 为1850只 。故答案为D。 While reading 2. What do the words “Red List” in the second paragraph refer to (指代)? A. The endangered animal list. B. The International Union for Conservation of Nature. C. The reserve list. D. The name list of all pandas. 解析:答案为A。本题是一道细节理解题。从文章第二段最后两句In 2003, the number was 1,600. So it takes the panda off the Red List. 可以得知熊猫已经不属于濒临灭绝的动物,所以被从 red list 中去掉了, 所以可以得知 red list 指的是濒危动物的名单。故答案为A。 3. According to the text, what has China done to protect pandas? A. setting up homes for the pandas B. planting many bamboo forests C. building new playgrounds for pandas D. making the pandas ’ home warmer A. ab B. bc C. ad D. bd 解析:答案为A 。本题是一道细节理解题。从文章第三段第二句China sets up reserves and plants a lot of bamboo forests.可以得知为了保 护熊猫,人们建立了保护区,并大量的种植了竹子,所以是AB两项, 故答 案为A。 4. What’s the bad news for the pandas? A. The planet is too warm for them to live in 80 years. B. Pandas will have to go away to other countries in 80 years. C. There are not enough reserves for pandas in 80 years. D. They may not have enough food in 80 years. 解析:答案为D 。本题是一道细节理解题。 从文章的最后一段我们可以得 知,由于气候变暖,已经不适合竹子的生长,这样熊猫将再一次面临食物 短缺的问题。故答案为D。 Post-reading Discussion: 1. what relationship between people and wildlife should be? Wildlife is human’s friends. They can keep the balance of nature and make the whole world colorful. To protect the wildlife is to protect ourselves. 2. What can we do to protect the endangered animals? a. pr


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