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2023年度军队文职人员招录笔试《英语语言 文学》典型题题库(含答案) 学校:班级:姓名:考号: 一、单选题(55题) apologize if 1( )you, but I assure you it was unintentional. A.offend B.had offended C.should have offended D.might have offended .Which of the following novelists wrote The Sound and the Fury ?() A.William Faulkner B.Ernest Hemingway C.Scott Fitzgerald D.John Steinbeck .With( )and fashionable elements, Beijing attracts a large number of young people every year. A.original B.modem C.novel D.innovative .The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries () A.that speak English as their native language B.that have a large number of British immigrants C.that were once colonies of Britain D.that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars 5.1 don't think it advisable that Tim( )to the job since he has no experience. A.is assigned B.will be assigned C.be assigned D.has been assigned .Death of a Salesman was written by () A.Arthur Miller B.Ernest Hemingway C.Ralph Ellison D.James Baldwin .Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of ()work. A.romantic B.classic C.neoclassic D.naturalistic .Which of the following words is made up of bound morphemes only?() A.Happiness B.Television C.Ecology D.Teacher .According to the Official Language of Act of Canada, there are two official languages in Canada, they are() A.English and Spanish B.English and Portuguese C.English and French □.English and Celtic .There are three main parties represented in the House of Representatives of Australia, which one is the oldest party?() A.The Australian Labor Party B.The Nationals C.The Liberal Party of Australia □.Australian Greens party .Not until the game had begun( )at the sports ground. A.had he arrived B.would he have arrived C.did he arrive D.should he have arrived .Members of House of Commons hold their seat for( )years at most. A.Five B.Four C.Seven D.Three .Which of the fllowing is not included in the design features of language? () A.Cultural transmission B.Displacement C.Duality D.Inflection .(), he does get


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