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摘 要 发酵过程是啤酒生产过程中的重要环节之一,以往系统多采用PC机加数据采集卡对外围信号进行采集,同时控制阀门、泵、电机等设备的启停来满足工艺生产要求。本文以啤酒发酵过程为工程背景,利用PLC实现对啤酒发酵过程的温度控制。 本设计主要采用串级控制方案对啤酒发酵罐的温度进行控制,温度变送器从发酵罐中采集温度,通过模拟量控制模块,把采集的模拟信号转换成对应的数字信号送入PLC中,与给定的温度信号进行比拟,经过PID运算后,输出脉宽可调的信号来控制冷却液流量。温度检测点选择在发酵罐的上、中、下3段位置,并通过调节上、中、下3段液氨进口的二位式电磁阀来实现发酵罐温度控制。 该系统性能/价格比高、可靠、技术先进,完全满足啤酒生产发酵工艺的技术要求,并兼顾了实用的需求。 关键词:PLC;发酵温度;温度控制;发酵罐 Abstract The fermentation process is one of the important links of the beer production process, the system uses the PC data acquisition card to collect peripheral signal, at the same time control equipment valve, pump, motor starting and stopping to meet production requirements. In this paper, the beer fermentation process for the project background, to realize the control of the temperature of beer fermentation process with PLC. This design is mainly controlled by the cascade control scheme on the fermentation temperature, temperature transmitter to collect temperature from the fermentation tank, control module through the analog, analog signal acquisition is converted into a digital signal corresponding to the PLC, compared with the temperature signal given, after PID operation, the output pulse signal adjusted to control the coolant flow. Temperature test point selection in the fermentation tank, 3 position, and through the two electromagnetic valve, 3 ammonia imports to achieve fermentation temperature control. To solute the whole process temperature control by PLC, the system performance higher than price, reliable, advanced technology, to fully meet the fermentation process of beer production technology requirements, taking into account the practical needs. Key words:programmable Logic Controller; fermentation temperature; temperature control;fermentor 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \f \h \z 24415 第1章 绪 论 1 10132 1.1 啤酒发酵的意义和开展趋势 1 21939 1.2 PLC在啤酒发酵应用中的可行性论述 2 10060 1.3 啤酒发酵控制系统的设计任务及要求 3 3603 第2章 啤酒发酵控制系统方案论证 5 14523 2.1 啤酒发酵工艺 5 1721 2.2 发酵各阶段的温度控制机理 6 12813 2.2.1 自然升温过程 6 12951 2.2.2 主发酵及双乙酰复原阶段 6 8726 2.2.3



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