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钣金折弯工艺守则 ZD9109B 钣金折弯工艺守则 0ZDS.916.001 正泰电气成套设备事业部 2010年1月 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 0ZDS.916.001 ZD9110B 正泰电气股份有限公司 钣金折弯 代替: 共 7 页 第 1 页 1 范围 本守则规定了钣金折弯工艺要求、工艺质量、折弯件检验、操作安全等。 本守则适用于结构钢板、镀铝锌板、复合钢板、不锈钢板等板材的冷折弯加工。 2 规范性引用文件 GB/T 1184 形状和位置公差 未注公差企值 GB/T 1804 一般公差 未注公差的线性和角度尺寸的公差 0ZD.919.012 外购、外协产品防磕碰划伤规范 QJ/ZDS 2201-A 钣金展开设计工艺规范 3 设备及工艺装备 a. 折弯机、模具; b(直尺(300mm)、卷尺(3m)、游标卡尺(精度0.1mm)、手锤、直角尺、油壶、毛刷、角度尺等。 4 工艺要求 4.1 基本要求 4.1.1 材料的长、宽、厚,料纹方向应符合图纸要求;板材表面清洁。 4.1.2 根据图纸要求及材料选用适合的模具。 4.1.3 检查折弯机工作状况并对设备进行加工前的维护保养。 4.1.4 加工前和加工过程中,应对模具折弯表面进


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