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PAGE / NUMPAGES 模块综合检测 Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Hayden, Congratulations on being 12! Wow,next year you will officially be a teenager.Happy Birthday son! I'm so excited for you. Last night at the dinner table I told you about how clearly I remember the day before you were born.I sat in front of that fireplace in our very first house in Rowlett,Texas,in 1996 and cried my eyes out before God.I cried because possibly,something could have been wrong with you,but even more than that,I believe I cried out to him because of the gift he was giving me.You are incredibly (难以置信地) special Hayden Davis.You will make your mark (标记) on the world in amazing ways.I've always known that.I'm glad to be your father,and I'm glad I get to see for myself how God will use you. Over this year we will do many things together.The gifts you receive today will give hints (暗示) of our first big trip that will take place in January.Every quarter there will be a special,secret trip you and I will take up.Many times you won't know what's to come; I want you to trust me.Trust that I'm doing what's right for you and planning events that will be memories for years to come. Every month I will sit down with you and talk to you about what it takes to be a Christ-follower and leader in this world and how to explore life in a way that honors the God who loves you so dearly.The men who are the closest to you will speak into your life during these months,teaching you the most valuable lessons they've learned in life.They are my closest friends and they will also become your friends and confidants (知己). I will always believe in you and I'll always be right by your side cheering you on through each and every stage of your life. On this Thanksgiving Day,I couldn't be more thankful to have you in my life. I love you! 【语篇解读】 文章主要讲述了一位父亲在感恩节感恩孩子来到他的身边,以及他对孩子的教育。 1.The child of the writer will become a teenager in . A.  B. C. D. D [细节理解题。根据“I sat in front of that fireplace in our ver



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