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Module 1 Life in the Future If you are the writer of “ Life in the Future”, what topics will you talk about? Transport sedan chair Past Transport present Transport Future Communication telegram Past MSN QQ Mobile present phone Future Houses past present Future Fast reading Task 1: vocabulary run out alternative senior citizen disability recreation Task 2: Fill in the blanks run out; senior citizen; alternative; recreation; disability 1.If we don’t save the natural resources, they will run__o_ut__in the future. 2.Rest and r_ecr__e_ation___are necessary to students. 3. His d_isab___ili__ty_ prevents him from finding a job. 4.We should waste fewer natural resources, and rely more on a_lt_ern__a_tive__energy. 5. In China, the se__n_ior__c_iti_z_e_ns_are living a colorful life now. Fast reading: Task 1 vocabulary 用完 可供选择的,可以替换的 run out alternative senior citizen 老年人 disability recreation 伤残 娱乐;消遣 Careful reading Task 1 : True or false Task 2: Choose the best answer Task 1 :True or false 1. No one knows what the city of the future will look like . 2. In the future we won’t rely more on alternative energy. have to 3. Police will arrest criminals by firing guns.nets instead of guns 4. Travelling in space by old F people will be common. ordinary T F F Discussion Discuss your life in the future . How will you live in the future? the food the houses the transport the recreation the education the environment …… Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. Homework 1.Remember the new words 2. Write a composition about your future life 美育包括美术教育和审美教育 文化是美育的底色和灵魂 不能忽视文化精神的培养。 欣赏中国绘画 应该了解其中计白当黑、浓淡生趣、意境天成等艺术手法和精神追求。 美育在中国近代历史上是一个很重要的概念 一直承载了爱国救亡、除弊振新的重任。 当下美育应重传统轻西方 融汇西方与民族、古典与现代的文化 形成好的审美教育体系。 要推动人工智能规模化应用 就必须推动人工智能与各行业融合创新 在制造、农业、物流、金融等重点行业和领域开展人工智能应用。 美国各执行机构每年与白宫主管预算科技政策办公室沟通 说明优先推动人工智能发展情况 按时列明计划可期获得该项目预算优先权。 .用金银珠玉来装点堂皇的宫殿庙宇,这种行为使得大量珍贵的人力物力降低为符号的陪衬,只能揭示意义的贫瘠和精神的无力。 .让日常的景色转换成大师的杰作,使普通的词



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