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爱在午夜降临前 Before Midnight 东西都带全了吗 So you got everything? 你打算在飞机上一直玩游戏 You gonna play video games all flight 还是打算真的看会书 or do you think you might actually crack open a book? 大概会看会书 Probably read some. 别害怕给我回邮件 好吗 If I write you an e-mail, don't be scared to write me back. 让老爸了解下你的想法和近况 Ok? It won't kill you to let your old man know 又不会要了你的命 what you're thinking about or what is going on, you know? 好的 Yeah. 你愿意的话 If you want, 咱们每周可以用网络电话聊聊天 we can try Skyping once a week or something. 好的 All right. 自然科学课画的那些图纸带了吗 You got the drawings for your science deal? - 应该带了 - 好吧 - Yeah. I think so. - Alright. 你做得很好 真的特别棒 Well, they turned out great by the way, like really great. 谢谢 Thanks. - 你的电脑充好电了吗 - 充好了 - Is your computer charged? - Yeah. 等你到家以后 What do you think is the first thing 你第一件要做的事是什么 you are going to do when you get home? 我也不知道 I don't know. 我很珍惜咱们这次交流的机会 I really cherish this communication we have, you know. - 只是你的回答都有点… - 怎么了 - It's just... your answers are so... - What? 坚持练习弹钢琴 好吗 Just keep practicing the piano, Ok? 你弹得很棒 You're really good 而且你都费了那么大功夫了 and they spend so much time at that school of yours. 别忘了音乐这东西 Just... just remember that music is actually something 会有助于你的生活


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