Our Flag Means Death《海盗旗升起(2022)》第二季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Our Flag Means Death《海盗旗升起(2022)》第二季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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我这辈子第一次 For the first time in my life, 真正完全活在当下 I'm truly and fully present. 我曾把大海看作战场 I used to view the sea as a battlefield. 但现在我能体会到它的慷慨 But now I can appreciate the bounty it has to offer, 以及周围所有的自然美景 and all of the natural beauty that surrounds it. 我只是一个卑微的流浪者 有幸享受这盛宴 I am but a humble wanderer blessed with this feast, 同一只苍鹭或一片草叶 No better than a heron, or a blade of grass, 一粒沙一般 or some sand, 同浪花一样 or, like, I don't know, like, a wave or somethin'. 就算一片鱼鳞也很壮丽 Even a single fish scale holds majesty 神秘而美丽 Mysterious beauty. 我要感谢深海的灵魂 I'd like to give thanks to the spirits of the deep 让我们今日收获颇丰 for the wonderful bounty that we caught today. 没怎么辛苦 就打上这么多鱼 So many fish, and without really even trying. 我也要感谢 I'd also like to pay thanks to 我前面的这两个简单的渔夫 these two simple fishermen before me 欢迎我进入他们简单的生活 who have welcomed me into their simple lives 向我展示他们简单的生活方式 and shown me their simple ways- - 老爹 Pop- Popl 再说我简单 我揍死你 -老爹 Call me simple again, I dare you! - Pop- Pop. 怎么 我做了什么得罪你了 What? What have I done to offend you? 你不干活 啥事不做 就整天坐着 You don't work! You don't do anything! You sit on your ass all dayl 好吧 Oh, well. 我不明白 我会更努力更勤快的 I just don't understand. I'll work harder. I'll work faster. 你一点技能都没有 -你还说你会打鱼 You have no skills! - Well, you did say you could fish. 我是说我之前抓过鱼 一次 I said I caught a fish, once. 别 老爹 住手老爹 Oh, no, Pop- Pop, Pop- Pop, come on. Pop- Pop! Pop- Pop! 我们才不简单 We are not simple! 给我下来老爹 -我们才不简单 Get off me, Pop Pop. We aren't simple! 你再说我们 -老爹 老爹冷静 One more timel Pop- Pop. Calm down, Pop- Pop. 你才冷静 你才冷静 -冷静 快下来老爹 口 You calm down! You calm downl- Calm down! Get off me, Pop- Pop! 抓好你老爹 抓好你老爹 You control your Pop Pop. Control your Pop- Popl 别再叫我老爹 也别再支使我儿子 Stop callin' me Pop- Popl Stop telling him what to do! 你毁了这顿晚餐 You ruined dinnerl 抱歉冒犯了你 老爹 I'm sorry if I offended you, Pop- Pop. 我只是想说句好话 给 I was trying to say a nice thing. Here. 给 拿好盘子 Here, just take your plate. 碗拿出来 Hold out your bowl. 来来来 Okay, here we go. Here we go. 给你分点鱼 Okay. Put some of tha



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