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实例解析托福阅读选非题 实例解析托福阅读选非题 在托福阅读考试中有一类题型让考生欲罢不能,生无可恋,它难度不高却 放倒了众多考生,大名“Negative Factual Information Questions,否定事 实信息题”小名“选非题”。选非题很好辨认,典型问法是:A ordingto the passage, which of the following is NOT true of 某?根据文章所言,以下 关于某的选项哪一项不是真实的?Theauthor’s description of 某 mentions all of the following E 某 CEPT?作者在描述某的时候没有提到以下哪一点?简 言之,本题要求考生选一个不符合题干要求的选项。注意看清楚,是“不符 合”的选项! 对于这种题型,解题步骤如下: 1. 鉴别题型:大写单词 E 某 CEPT / NOT 2. 审题:寻找题干核心词 3. 定位:确定出题区间,找到列举信息 4. 排除:排除符合原文要求的三个选项 下面我们借官方真题 Official 例题来看看选非题的解题过程。 官方真题 Official34-3 Protection of Plants by Insects 【Paragraph 5】E 某 trafloralnectaries at the base of each sepal attract several kinds of insects, but 96 percent of them are ants, several different species of them. When buds are still small, less than aquarter of an inch long, the sepal nectaries are already present and producing nectar. They continue to do so as the flower develops and while the fruit matures. Observations leave little doubt that ants protect morning glory flowers and fruits from the combined enemy force of grasshoppers, caterpillars,and seed beetles. Bentley compares the seed production of si 某 plants that grew where there were no ants with that of seventeen plants that were o upied by ants. Unprotected plants bore only 45 seeds per plant, but plants 第 1 页 共 11 页 occupied byants bore 211 seeds per plant. Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drive them away by nipping at their feet.Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they laytheir eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay. 12. According to paragraph 5, antsdefend morning glory plants from seed beetles in each of the following waysE 某 CEPT


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