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PAGE 1 高考英语应用文 写作练习与讲解 一、假定你是李华,你在上周日搭坐102号公交车,该公交车司机的不文明行为让乘客很愤怒。于是你向公交车公司写一封投诉信。要点如下: 1.司机的不文明行为(大声讲话、紧急刹车、态度粗鲁等)。 2.希望尽快查清此事。 Dear Sir, I am Li Hua.I am writing to complain about one of your bus-drivers’ improper and rude behaviors. Last Sunday, I was taking the No.102 bus whose driver not only kept on talking with a man loudly but also drove very fast.So some passengers advised him to concentrate on driving, but he didn’t pay any attention.What’s worse, he drove even faster.Then another passenger couldn’t bear it, asking the driver to keep the passengers’ safety in mind.But the driver stopped the bus so suddenly that all the passengers nearly lost their balance.However, he didn’t apologize but said rudely “It’s none of your business.” I sincerely hope you can investigate this incident and proper measures should be taken to prevent such an incident happening again. Sincerely yours, Li Hua 【词汇亮点】 1.complain about sth.投诉…… 2.rude behaviors 粗鲁的行为 3.keep on doing sth.一直做某事 4.advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 5.what’s worse 更糟糕的是 6.bear 忍受,容忍 7.keep sth.in mind 牢记 8.lose one’s balance 失去平衡 9.investigate this incident 调查这件事 10.take measures 采取行动 11.prevent sb.from happening again 阻止……再次发生 二、假定你是李华,你校的英语报正在征稿。请你结合以下名人名言,写一篇题为“My Understanding of Optimism”的英语征文。 “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” —— Winston Churchill 内容包括:1.你对该名言的理解;2.结合生活实例;3.你对该名言的感悟。 My Understanding of Optimism According to Winston Churchill, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” In my opinion, this quote means that when faced with challenges, one can either choose to focus on the negative aspect or look for the silver lining. I have experienced this in my own life.When I was in high school, I struggled with math and didnt do well in my exams.Instead of giving up, I looked for ways to improve.I sought out help from my teacher and studied harder.Eventually, my hard work



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