外研版六年级英语下册 (He is playing the suonabut the phone rings)教学课件.pptx

外研版六年级英语下册 (He is playing the suonabut the phone rings)教学课件.pptx

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Module 5 Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.;Learning goals;Lead-in;1. Look, listen and say. ;It is raining. They are singing and dancing. They are having a party.;Its raining. What are they doing? Theyre singing and dancing. Theyre having a party. They are very happy, but we are not! Its very cold!;2 Listen and read.;Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog starts to bark very loudly. His friends cant hear him. “Stop!” Simon says. The dog stops. They all laugh. ;play the suona;唢呐是中国历史悠久、流行广泛、技巧丰富、表现力较强的民间吹管乐器。它发音开朗豪放,高亢嘹亮,轻快活泼,刚中有柔,柔中有刚,深受广大人民喜爱和欢迎的民族乐器之一,广泛应用于民间的婚、丧、嫁、娶、礼、乐、典祭等仪式伴奏,是中国各地广泛流传的民间乐器。 代表曲目《百鸟朝凤》:乐曲以热情欢快的旋律与百鸟和鸣之声,表现了生机勃勃的大自然景象。;He is playing the suona for the third time(第三次).;Wow!;Daming’s party ;2. He is playing the suona, but .;;Daming is playing the suona,;Daming is playing the suona again,;Daming is playing the suona for the third time,;Daming is a birthday party. He is playing suona, but the phone He and everyone . Daming the suona again, but the bell rings. More friends in. Simon’s dog in too. Daming is playing the suona for the third , but the dog starts bark very .;重点句型;句型结构:;He is playing football, but he feels thirsty.;;课文学习;1. He s crossing the street, 2. He s eating dinner, 3. She s talking to her friend, 4. She s doing her homework,;1. She is eating dinner, the phone rings. A. and B. but C. so;;;Clap, clap, We are clapping. Swim, swim, We are swimming. Run, run, We are running. Sing, sing, We are singing. Dance, dance, We are dancing.;The frogs’(青蛙) party;It is raining. They are singing and dancing. They are having a party.;Daming’s birthday party ;唢呐是中国历史悠久、流行广泛、技巧丰富、表现力较强的民间吹管乐器。它发音开朗豪放,高亢嘹亮,轻快活泼,刚中有柔,柔中有刚,深受???大人民喜爱和欢迎的民族乐器之一,广泛应用于民间的婚、丧、嫁、娶、礼、乐、典祭等仪式伴奏,是中国各地广泛流传的民间乐器。 代表曲目《百鸟朝凤》:乐


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