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分词的用法翻译:.7.8.作状语,位于句首;4.6作定语,修饰the book;9.10作表语,在系动词后 1).Helen Keller 于1880年6月出生于美国,是二十世纪最伟大的女性之一。 Born in America in June, 1880, Helen Keller is one of the greatest women in the 20th century. 2).广州位于中国南部,被认为是中国最现代化的城市之一 Located in the south of China, Guangzhou is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country. 3).面对困难,他们从不放弃,而是竭尽全力去解决。(be faced with) Faced with the difficulties, they never give up but make every effort to solve them. 4).这本书用简易英语写,很容易懂。 The book written in simple English is easy to understand. 5).和那个房子比,我更喜欢这个带花园的。 Compared with that house, I prefer the one with a garden. 6).他很喜欢这本为初学者而写的书。 He enjoys reading the book written for the beginners. 7).如果再给我一次机会,我会做出同样的选择。 Given another chance, I’ll make the same choice. 8).我走在街上的时候,突然遇到一个老朋友。 Walking on the street, I came across an old friend of mine. 9).我的电脑坏了,不得不让人修理。 My computer is broken, so I have to have it repaired. 10).知道真相,他很惊讶。He was surprised to know the truth. (be surprised/amazed/delighted to do sth.) **▲▲**非谓语在英语写作中的运用: 基础写作:在读书节期间,你将负责出一期介绍外国作家的墙报,你在网上搜索到了著名作家狄更斯的相关资料。[写作内容] 请根据以下表格内容,介绍英语小说家狄更斯 姓名:狄更斯(Charles Dickens) 职业:英语小说家 出生日期:1812年2月 逝世日期:1870年6月 生平介绍:少年时,家境穷困,被近到工厂做童工; 后来逐渐喜欢上写作,并创作了很多有关描述社会弱势群体的小说 写作特点:受童年经历影响,作品多反映社会黑暗和不公平的现实 影响:他的作品至今仍深受世界人们的喜爱 生词:弱势群体 the inferior group Charles Dickens, a famous novelist of England, was born in February, 1812 and passed away in June, 1870. When he was young, his family lived in poverty and therefore he was forced to work in the factory. Later, he developed an interest in writing, coming up with many novels which showed the poor situation of the inferior group. Deeply affected by his childhood experiences, his writings reflected the darkness and unfairness of the society of his time. Many of his works are still popular in the world. ===》修改后:Born into a poor family in February, 1812 and passing away in June, 1870, Charles Dickens, a famous novelist of England, was forced to work in the factory when he was young. 1.她经常开


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