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设计: 指导: (教授);Introduction;and has certainly merits and so on mechanical strength and mach inability. It has the good mixed economy benefit and the social efficiency in utilization of capital construction. Based on the fast development of aero concrete artificial brick, this article has designed the operational aspect of concrete masonry unit factory which annual output is 100,000 m3. This factory is situated in capital Beijing, its sales scope proliferates Beijing as well as some areas in Hebei province. It has made the tremendous contribution for peripheral locality's economic development and the social progress. ;The factory covers an area of ??177,000 square meters, planning to invest 14,782 million. It mainly includes raw materials yard, staff living quarters, work areas and major product yard.This factory uses mixing mill fine craft, and in the process of mixing mill fine craft the gypsum will postponement the digestion speed of, and the digestion speed of lime will degrade after mixing mill fine craft, making the aura adapts to densification, the casting craft will be improved, the body hardening speeds up, the product intensity will have the enhancement. ;一、概述 二、设计思路 三、设计过程 四、经济指标分析 ;一、概述;加气块制品; 粉煤灰是烧煤的电厂排出的工业废料,大约每燃烧一吨煤粉就要排出150~200公斤的粉煤灰。这些粉煤灰不仅占用大片土地,而且严重污染环境。因此如何处理电厂粉煤灰就成为城市建设的一个大问题。 利用电厂粉煤灰生产加气混凝土能够对粉煤灰进行综合利用,变废为宝。 ; 所以,本设计为一个厂址在北京、年产量为10万m3加气混凝土砌块厂。并要求进行工厂的总平面设计以及各个生产车间的纵横布置,并且对所需的设备进行选型计算和生产工艺流程的设计。设计过程中需要完成总平面图1张(1#);原材料堆场图1张(1#);成型车间图2张(1#),并对全厂技术经济进行分析,确定各项技术经济指标和投资回收周期。;二、设计思路;工艺流程图;三、设计过程;全厂俯视图;2.工作制度及制品安排 该工厂全年生产天数为250天,各生产班制统一为两班制。 制品的规格为: 长——600mm 宽——300mm 厚——150mm ;3.原材料准备阶段 (1).配合比为: 粉煤灰:生石灰:水泥:石膏=65:16:15:4 (2).绝干成品密度范围在:400~600kg/m3,本厂取480kg/m3。含水率取为:35% 。 (3).水料比以0.60左右为宜,本厂采用0.610。 (4).铝粉用量为450g/m3;生产车间工艺;4.各原材料所需工艺 (1).粉煤灰贮存周期为7天,堆场设备选为φ1600下行式仓式泵。 (2).石膏贮存周期为14天,



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