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2011年北京外国语大学英语学院812英汉互译(笔译)真题及详解 I. Tralate the following passages into Chinese and write your tralation on the awer sheet. (50 points, 25points each) Passage 1 It is the unanimous view of our committee that America today faces a serious and inteifying challenge with regard to its future competitiveness and standard of living. Further we appear to be on a losing path. We are here today hoping both to elevate the nation’s awareness of this developing situation and to propose cotructive solutio. The thrust of our findings is straightforward. The standard of living of America in the yea ahead will depend to a very large degree on the quality of the jobs that they are able to hold. Without quality jobs our citize will not have the purchasing power to support the standard of living which they seek, and to which many have become accustomed; tax revenues will not be generated to provide for strong national security and healthcare; and the lack of a vibrant domestic coumer market will provide a disincentive for either U.S. or foreign companies to invest in jobs in America. What has brought about the current situation? The awer is that the prosperity equation has a new ingredient, an ingredient that some have referred to as “The Death of Distance”. In the last century, breakthroughs in aviation created the opportunity to move people and goods rapidly and efficiently over very great distances. Bill Gates has referred to aviation as the “World Wide Web of the twentieth century”. In the early part of the present century, we are approaching the point where the communication, storage and processing of information are nearly free. That is, we can now move not only physical items efficiently over great distances, and we can also traport information in large volumes and at little cost. (276 words, Rising Above the Gathering Storms) 【参考译文】 我们委员会一致认为今天的美国,其未来的竞争力和生活水平面临着严峻的挑战。未来我们似乎在往一条失败的道路上行进。所以我们今天在这里希望提高民族对这一发展形势的警惕,来寻求建设性的解决方



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