南医大《医学形态实验学》课件综合实验四 心血管系统.ppt

南医大《医学形态实验学》课件综合实验四 心血管系统.ppt

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The nuclei of Anitschkow cells in the Aschoff's nodule possess catapillar-shaped in the longitudinal section or owl-eyed in the cross section (HE, high power). Anitschkow cells in non-rheumatic heart of 22 y-o female (HE).丂Anitschkow-type interstitial cells with catapillar nuclei are not specific to rheumatic heart disease. They are occasionally seen in the normal fetal and adult hearts. 丂 包括急性期的心脏炎和静止期的慢性风湿性心脏病,慢性的主要是心瓣膜病 几乎每位风湿患者都有心脏炎,轻度不易察觉,不引起慢性病变。 心脏炎又称全心炎。累及心脏各层的结缔组织。内膜:瓣膜。肌层,间质。外膜:心包炎 Hallmark of carditis is the presence of multiple foci of inflammation within the connective tissues of the heart.阿绍夫小体 This is the tricuspid valve. The leaflets and thin and delicate. Just like the mitral valve, the leaflets have thin chordae tendineae that attach the leaflet margins to the papillary muscles of the ventricular wall below The small verrucous vegetations seen along the closure line of this mitral valve are associated with acute rheumatic fever. These warty vegetations average only a few millimeters and form along the line of valve closure over areas of endocardial inflammation. Such verrucae are too small to cause serious cardiac problems. B, Acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis superimposed on chronic rheumatic heart disease. Small vegetations (verrucae) are visible along the line of closure of the mitral valve leaflet (arrows). Previous episodes of rheumatic valvulitis have caused fibrous thickening and fusion of the chordae tendineae. C-D, Mitral stenosis with diffuse fibrous thickening and distortion of the valve leaflets, commissural fusion (arrows), and thickening and shortening of the chordae tendineae. D, Opened valve. Note neovascularization of anterior mitral leaflet (arrow). E, Surgically removed specimen of rheumatic aortic stenosis, demonstrating thickening and distortion of the cusps with commissural fusion Surgically removed specimen of rheumatic aortic stenosis, demonstrating thickening and distortion of the cusps with commissural fusion D, Open



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