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英语重点词汇语法详解recalcitrant recalcitrant 英 [r??kals?tr(?)nt] 美 [r??k?ls?tr?nt] adj. 拒不服从的;顽抗的;倔强对抗的 n. 倔强顽抗者;桀骜不驯的人 英文释义: unwilling to obey rules or follow instructions; difficult to control 不愿意遵守规则或听从指示;难以控制 举个例子: 1.The university suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators. 该大学对最为桀骜不驯的学生做了暂令停学的处理。 2.The evidence is clear-and was, in a way that all but only the most recalcitrant can deny, made plain again in the extended endurance test that began in March 2020. 证据很清楚,而且在2020年3月开始的延长耐力测试中,只有最顽固的人才能否认这一点。 3.There was less bullying in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying, but these cases may be particularly recalcitrant. 中学里的霸凌现象较少,约有1/25的学生遭受持续的霸凌,但这些案例可能特别棘手。 4.It is far more likely that some sort of amicable settlement would be reached if the recalcitrant son or daughter knows that the alternative is a public trial. 如果不听话的儿子或女儿知道另一种选择是公开审判,那么更有可能达成某种和解。 常用短语: recalcitrant household 钉子户 recalcitrant species 难于进行组织培养 recalcitrant seeds 型种子; 顽拗性种子; 拗性种子; 顽拗型种子; recalcitrant seed 顽拗性种子; 异常型种子; recalcitrant type 顽拗型 recalcitrant cystic acne 顽固性囊性痤疮 recalcitrant viral warts 顽固的病毒性疣 Continuum of recalcitrant seeds 顽拗性连续谱 toxic recalcitrant organic pollutants 有毒难降解有机污染物 词汇拓展: 近义词 adj. disobedient, defiant, noncompliant 反义词 n. obedient, compliant 联想词 stubborn顽固的; unruly不守规矩的; troublesome令人烦恼的; wayward任性的; hapless运气不好的,倒霉的; belligerent好战的; beleaguered饱受批评的; defiant挑衅的; rebellious叛逆的; would-be想要成为的,自称自许的,自充的; erstwhile过去的, 从前的; buoyant 英 [?b???nt] 美 [?b???nt] adj. 能浮起的;繁荣的;乐观的;有浮力的;有活力的;轻松愉快的 英文释义: 1. (of prices, business activity, etc.) tending to increase or stay at a high level, usually showing financial success 指价格、商业活动等)。倾向于增加或保持在高水平,通常显示财务成功 2. cheerful and feeling sure that things will be successful 愉快的,确信事情会成功的 3. floating, able to float or able to keep things floating 漂浮,能够漂浮或者能够保持事物漂浮 举个例子: 1.Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water. 盐水比淡水浮力大。 2.The economy expanded by more than 10% a year, making it seem one of the most buo


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