Unit2 Wildlife protection Discovering Useful Structures课件-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册.pptx

Unit2 Wildlife protection Discovering Useful Structures课件-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册.pptx

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本节课重点学习语法项目:现在进行时的被动语态。 首先教师通过动感图片的引入,激发学生的兴趣,让学生在语境中理解该语法结构。然后结合教材文本,让学生找出该结构的句子。接下来教师依托各种丰富的活动设计,反复使用该语法结构,让学生在语境中体验该语法的熟练运用。教师可以根据所教学生的具体语言水平,从简至难对于设计的活动进行有针对性的筛选。 ;Wildlife protection Discovering Useful Structures ;1、通过引入,让学生在语境中理解现在进行时的被动语态。 2、通过反复使用该语法结构,在更加丰富的语篇层面进一步体会并熟悉其形式、意义和用法。 3、通过活动的设计,让学生能正确运用现在进行时的被动语态进行口头和书面表达。并能在表达中体现本单元的意识培养:环境保护的重要性。 ; Somebody is opening a bottle. ? A bottle is being opened. He is drinking Coca cola. ? Coca cola is being drunk by him. Somebody is cutting an orange. ? An orange is being cut by her. She is eating an orange. ? An orange is being eaten by her. ;Find more sentences with the same verb form in this unit. They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur Much is being done to protect wildlife.;Look and say;A novel is being written by John.;; The math homework is being done by my brother.;;现在进行时的被动语态 / 一般现在时的被动语态 在语境中的区别;注意:不及物动词没有被动语态哦,如:die, happen, disappear, arrive. ;Guess where I am; Watch a video and change sentences into the present continuous passive voice;What should you do if your friend is being attacked by a dog? What should you do if you are being followed by a stranger? What should you do if you are being kept waiting? What should you do if you are being asked difficult questions? What should you do if you are being bitten by mosquitoes? What should you do if you are being run after by a dog? What should you do if you are being punished by your parents for your wrongdoing? What should you do if you are being praised? ;Homework: Translation



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专注于中小学各科教学多年,曾获青年岗位能手荣誉称号; 教育局评为县级优秀教师; 2013在全省高中思想政治优秀设计评选活动中荣获一等奖; 在全市高中优质课大赛中荣获一等奖; 第十一届全国中青年教师(基教)优质课评选中荣获二等奖; 2017年4月全省中小学教学设计中被评为一等奖2018年被评为市级教学能手


