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森林防火作文(共10篇) 森林防火很重要。森林被称为地球之肺,它能够吸收二氧化碳并制造氧气,是我们人类所需的重要资源。森林还具有过滤粉尘和提供氧气的功能。森林与人类的生活密切相关,但它时刻面临着火灾的威胁。火灾会使宝贵的资源化为乌有。 森林火灾发生的原因有人为因素和自然因素两种,其中人为因素比自然因素更容易引发。人为因素主要包括玩鞭炮、抽烟乱丢烟头等。火灾是非常危险的,有句古话说得好:玩火者必自焚!人们一个不经意的举动就可能给森林带来灾难,给人类带来无尽的伤痛。我们薄弱的防火意识导致了一次次惨痛的后果。 为了国家的繁荣昌盛,为了我们美丽的家园,我们都应该做到森林防火。绿色是生命的源泉,也是世界的期望。保护环境,保护森林,从我们做起,从身边的小事做起。让我们多一份绿色的环境,少一份火灾的危害,为我们的完美家园增添一份绿色吧! 家是一个美丽而温暖的地方,但人类的行为却毁灭了一切。作为植物家族的成员,我们不得不将人类告上地球生物法院。我们要保护我们的家园,让它永远美丽温暖。 On the day of the trial。all members of the forest。including Uncle Tree。Little Grass。and Sister Bird。were present。The human XXX dock。not even looking at us。As a lawyer in my empty robe。I was very angry。but then I thought: humans only care about themselves and not the losses of others。What's the point of talking to such people。Since we were there。we had to fight for justice for ourselves! The chimpanzee judge sat solemnly in front of us。XXX next to him that had lived for thousands of years。The presiding judge was the XXX。"Please state your reasons," said the chimpanzee judge。Uncle Tree。the victim。spoke up: "Your Honor。I am a member of the Happy Forest。We e humans to our home。but some people have XXX playing with fire in the forest。Some people have XXX。What are we going to do in the future。Judges and lawyers。please stand up for us victims!" The judge said。"Water and fire are merciless。We hope that people will XXX。XXX imprisonment." XXX applauded. At this moment。I appeal to people all over the world: please。destroying nature because nature is also a home。just like our home。Let us work XXX. As the main body of XXX。XXX and development。The forest is known as the lungs of the Earth。It can absorb a lot of carbon XXX。a dust filter。a natural water storage。and a natural air ner。Forests bring us endless benefits。Forests are the XXX sustained。rapid。and healthy development of the entire nal economy。and they have an irreplaceable n and role in nal economic n. Forests have close ties to people's n and life。but they are always threatened by fire。Fire


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