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La Ba Festival ContentIntroductionThe Origin of Laba FestivalMaterialsHow to MakeTraditional CustomBlessing on Laba festival The laba festival is commonly known as the lunar December 8, which has a long tradition and history in China, On this day people drink the laba rice porridge, do the most traditional all over the country. Laba is the most important festival of Chinese New twelith lunar month, and it was called “Laba Day” in ancient times,commonly be known as “Laba Festival” .腊八节是指每年农历的十二月俗称腊月,十二月初八(腊月初八)即是腊八节,腊八节在中国有着很悠久的传统和历史,在这一天喝腊八粥、做腊八粥是全国各地老百姓最传统、也是最讲究的习俗。腊八节是中国农历腊月最重大的节日,古代称为“腊日”,俗称“腊八节”。据说,佛道创始人释迦牟尼的成道之日也在十二月初八,因此腊八节也是佛教徒的节日,称为“佛成道节”。Introduction  There are two legendary origin about Laba Festival . Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha said that a move mountain cultivation. December eighth day that day because of hunger and fatigue Zaidao street, was a shepherdess found with large gruel saved so that he Dachedawu. Enlightenment and Buddha. ?    The Origin of Laba Festival The Origin of Laba Festival The Laba Festival for people yeanng for Yue Fei.That year, Yue Fei was anti gold in Zhunxian Town, when the winter uniforms,Yue Food poor,hungry and cold, all the people have to send porridge,yuegujun made a meal of the people to send the “1000 porridge”, the victory and return.This day is the beginning of December eight.After the death of Yue Fei,people in order to commemorate him,,every month at the beginning of eight with wax, grains and beans fruit porridge,finally become populai. Let‘s look at some pictures . MaterialsGlutinous ['glu?t?n?s] riceBlack riceYiGreen beanLotus ['lot?s] seedYellow riceWheat berryRed beanGroundnut ['gra?n(d)n?t]Longan ['l??g(?)n]Red jujube [?d?u:d?u:b]Rock candy糯米黑米薏仁绿豆莲子黄米麦仁红豆花生桂圆红枣冰糖 Steps:Wash black rice, glutinous rice, wheat kernel with water .用清水淘洗干净黑米,糯米,麦仁。 StepsPeanuts, lotus seeds, red dates, mung beans, red beans, and cob for 20 minutes respectively.花生米,莲子,红枣,绿豆,红豆,薏仁分别浸泡20分钟备用。 StepsWash and spare the pulp and pulp [p?



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