法语1301综合英语part 2a.pdf

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Part Two: lass Reading lass Reading Is There a Doctor in the Body? Background Information Global Reading Detailed Reading Post-Reading Part Two: lass Reading >> Background Information Background Information Psychology Behavior Therapy Part Two: lass Reading >> Background Information Psychology Psychology tries to ex in why people act, think, and feel the way they do. It is a young and growing science that covers a broad range of human activities. Psychologists are interested not only in how individual minds work but also in the various in ctions (交互作用) of minds in society. To be Part Two: lass Reading >> Background Information Differenc ween Psychology and Psychiatry Psychiatry ( 学, 治疗法) is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of serious mental disorders. Psychiatrists who work in hospitals, use a variety of methods luding drugs, light therapy and electric shock treatments to cure or to control mentally disturbed people. To be Part Two: lass Reading >> Background Information Sigmund Freud ❖The whole field of psycho ysis originated with the research of the Austrian doctor, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). ❖According to his theories, people are driven by irrational s or primitive (原始的) inst ts (本能). Much of Freud’s work was based on his interpretation of dreams and ual inst ts. Part Two: lass Reading >> Background Information


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