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International Project Management Tender and Bidding ;Tender and Bidding;INTRODUCTION;ETHICAL PRINCIPLES;ETHICAL PRINCIPLES;TRADE PRACTICES PRINCIPLES;Additionally, Bidders must not: provide to any third party any money, incentives or other concessions contingent upon the success of the tender; accept or provide secret commissions; enter into any improper commercial arrangement with any other contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, agents or any other party; seek to influence contract decisions by improper means; or accept incentives to provide contracts or services to other contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that financially disadvantage Clients.;7.1 国际工程招投标概述; 我国有较完整史料记载的招标投标活动发生在清朝末期,但是新中国正式进入国际招标投标市场却是在1979年以后。;;7.1 国际工程招投标概述;7.1 国际工程招投标概述;在国外,私人投资的项目,多采用邀请招标。;7.2 招标人的工作;TENDER PREPARATION; 在鲁布革工程中首先成立的是鲁布革工程管理局,但其既是代理业主又是工程师,项目初期业主是水电部,真正的业主云南水电局在建设期基本没到位,一直到世行落实还贷计划时才明确业主的责任,对工程的管理造成了不必要的麻烦。;成立权责明确的机构;人员准备;场地准备;合同总体策划;划分标段;详实的招标文件准备;;;;CRITERIA FOR SELECTION;其他相关问题;TENDERING;In cases where tenders are advertised, it is recommended that the advertisement includes the following: ? An appropriate summary description of the work required. ? Details of when and where Tender Documents may be obtained. ? Details of when and where tenders shall close. ? Details of any Tender Documentation purchase price or deposit and, if applicable, the method of obtaining a refund of that cost. ? The name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address of the Client's Contact person.;;;;;;;;TENDER EVALUATION;? Tenders are analyzed against the Criteria for Selection defined in the Tender Documents. ? A tender that does not comply with the Tender Documents is rejected. If a tender is rejected, the reasons for such action are to be clearly documented and communicated to the tender. ? In the case of the submission of an alternative proposal by a Tender, The intellectual property of the Tender offering the alternate proposal must be protected.;The tender clarific


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