2023-2024学年度人教版选择性必修二 Unit3 Food and Culture Listening and Speaking(Workbook)-课件(26张).pptx

2023-2024学年度人教版选择性必修二 Unit3 Food and Culture Listening and Speaking(Workbook)-课件(26张).pptx

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2023-2024学年度人教版选择性必修二 Unit3 Food and Culture Listening and Speaking(Workbook) In this class, you will 1. collect information about a dinning experience through listening to a conversation;2. identify the differences between a Chinese restaurant and an American one;3. introduce a dinning experience in a different culture or region.Learning objectives Opening page The kinds of food local people consume tell us:*what they grow in their region;*what kinds of lives they lead; *what they like and do not like.Review Culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other. *If you had a chance to bring foreign friends to eat in a traditional Chinese restaurant, what dishes would you recommend? Why?Review *Think about these questions.1. Have you ever eaten in a Western restaurant?2. In what ways was it different from a Chinese restaurant?Lead-in 1. Have you ever eaten in a Western restaurant?2. In what ways was it different from a Chinese restaurant?I ate at one with my cousin last week. Every person gets their own food and doesn’t share. The tables are much smaller, which is good for conversation. The restaurant serves food like steak, spaghetti, and pizza, and people eat with a knife and fork.Lead-in Prediction What will be talked about?调味品 Listening activity 1 *Listen to a conversation at an American steakhouse between Paul and Lin Tao, and then circle the items you hear on the menu. *Listen again and complete Paul’s order. Listening activity 2 *Listen to this part and find out the information.Waitress: Hello. Are you ready to order?Paul: Yes, we’ll both have steaks.Waitress: And how would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done?Paul: Rare.Waitress: And would you like fries or a baked potato with that?Paul: Baked potato.Listening and checking 1 Steak (______________) Baked potato2 Salad (______________) (_______________________)3 Iced _______________rare *Listen again and compl



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