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Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World Explanations for new words and phrases 1、attack : vt. &vi. 攻击;疾病发作;侵袭;开始处理(某事) 。 n. 攻击; 疾病发作。 导学 P62-1-1 make an attack on 向...进攻 a heart attack 心脏病(发作) come / be under attack 遭 抨击 The enemy attacked during the night.敌人在夜间发动攻击 The disease attacked his bones.病 患侵袭骨骼 2、footprint :n. (尤指软地上的)脚印,足迹;(地板上的)脚印,鞋印。 = footmark distinct footprints in the mud 泥里清楚的脚印 footprints found near the murder scene 凶杀 现场的脚印 footprints left in the hard dried mud 留在干硬泥地上的脚印 He squatted down beside the footprints and examined them closely. 他蹲在脚印旁仔 细地观察。 3、hairy : adj. 毛的;多毛的。 反义词:hairless hairy skin 多毛的皮肤 The bear’s chest is hairy. 那只熊的胸部毛茸茸的。 4 、frighten :v. 使害怕(惊恐)/吓唬。 fright :n. 害怕/惊恐(吓) 。 The sudden noise frightened the girl. A tree fell on the house and gave him a fright.树倒房 上吓他一跳。 frightened :adj. The frightened girl was speechless. The child is frightened of 受惊/害怕的。 dogs.怕狗。 frightening :adj. 吓人的,可怕的,令人害怕的,被吓得要死的。 He spoke in a frightening voice. 5、creature :n.生物/动物;人。The crocodile is a strange-looking creature. 鳄鱼是一种模样古 怪的动物。 The poor creature had no home, family, or friends. 那个可怜的人既没有家和家人, 也 没有朋友。 6、grey : adj. 灰色的/灰白的;灰暗的/ 阴沉的。 He wore a grey suit. 他穿一套灰衣服。 His face turned grey as he heard the bad news. 当听到这个坏消息时, 他的脸色变得灰 白。 The day started out grey with a shower or two. 天破晓时阴沉沉的, 下了一两场阵雨。 n. 灰色(衣服) 。 This colour is grey. 这种颜色是灰色。 She was dressed in grey. 她穿着 灰色服装。 7 、exist :vi. 存在。 导学P63-2 8、sharp: adj. 锋利/尖锐的;急转/ 陡峭的;突然/急剧的;明显的/清晰的;灵敏的/机警的 。 Be careful with that sharp axe. 那把斧子很锋利, 你要当心。 There is a sharp bend in the road. 路上有一个急转弯。 There were sharp differences of opinion between the two. 两者的意见存在着明显的分 歧。 The


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