2023年军队文职人员公开招录考试《英语语言文学》考前练习题 (2).docx

2023年军队文职人员公开招录考试《英语语言文学》考前练习题 (2).docx

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2023年军队文职人员公开招录考试《英语 2023年军队文职人员公开招录考试《英语语 言文学》考前练习题 学校 :班级 :姓名 :考号 : 一、单选题(55题) 1. With( )and fashionable elements, Beijing attracts a large number ofyoung people every year. r.iginal B.modem C.novel D.innovative 2. When did the War of Independence ofAmerica break out?() A. 1775 B. 1812C. 1861 D. 1863 3.Of the fifty states, the smallest state in America is() h.ode Island B.Virginia C.Texas D.Montana 4. The success of Uncle Tom's Cabin did a great contribution to the anti slavery movement and brought this author, (), an immediate popularity. A. Harriet Beecher Stowe B. Whittier C. Bryant D. Washington Irving 5. Members of House of Commons hold their seat for( )years at most. i.ve B.Four C.Seven D.Three 6. The( )nature of the plant is very different from others for its growth and distribution depend on its host completely. p.ecific B.peculiar C.extraordinary D.particular 7. () is the first African-American winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. A. Ralph Ellison B. Toni Morrison C. Richard Wright D. James Baldwin 12. 12. He copied other people's ideas in writing his new book, which is a kind of copywrite() f.fence B.violation C.crime D.sin 13.John is reading an interesting book on evolution theory which was written by Charles Darwin, who was a British naturalist who developed a theory of evolution based on natural selection.What design feature of language is reflected in the example?() r.eativity B.Arbitrariness C.Displacement D.Duality 14. Henry Fielding's ( )indicates the genre of novel has got to the mature period. A.Joseph Andrews B. Jonathan Wild C. The History ofTom Jones, a Foundling D. Amelia 8.The social workers tried to()thejuvenile delinquents. u.arantine B.muddle C.rehabilitate D.indent 9. The Grapes ofWrath is a masterpiece of () o.hn Steinbeck B.John Winthrop C.John Updike D.John Cotton 10. The computer center, ()last year, is very popular among the students in this


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