二零二三年 优质公开课Unit5Lesson13ChangesinOurTown.pptVIP

二零二三年 优质公开课Unit5Lesson13ChangesinOurTown.ppt

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Unit 5 Lesson 13 Changes in Our Town First Part:Words!Let's Learn! Words Learning!cheap便宜的 Words Learning!close接近的;关闭 Words Learning!dirty脏的 Words Learning!expensive昂贵的 Words Learning!far远的;远方 Words Learning!hometown家乡家乡 Words Learning!building建筑物 Words Learning!neighbour邻居邻居 Words Learning!friendly友好的 Words Learning!still静止;还是仍然 Words Learning!large大的大的 Words Learning!flat公寓 Words Learning!traffic交通 Words Learning!either也<否定>;二者中一个 Words Learning!truck卡车 Words Learning!yesterday昨天,在昨天 Words Learning!fast-food快餐 Second Part: Pronunciation!Listen and complete the words with ear, ere, air or are. Then listen and read aloud.Be c___ful! I can h___ a b____.Wh___ is it? It's out th___. Can you h____ it?I think it's coming in h____.Quick! Run up the st____s! Third Part: Vocabulary!Complete the sentence with too or either. 1. It was sunny. It was cool, _____.2. We can't bring our bikes, ______. Check Now!1.ye_terday2.tr_ffic3.ei_her4._riendly5.nei_hbour6.s_ill7._ometown8.e_pensive Can you make sentences with the words above ? 请用以上新学单词造句!Let's try! Answers Second Part: Pronunciation!Listen and complete the words with ear, ere, air or are. Then listen and read aloud.Be careful! I can hear a bare.Where is it? It's out there. Can you hear it?I think it's coming in here.Quick! Run up the stairs! Third Part: Vocabulary!Complete the sentence with too or either. 1. It was sunny. It was cool, too.2. We can't bring our bikes, either. Check Now!1.yesterday2.traffic3.either4.friendly5.neighbour6.still7.hometown8.expensive Fourth Part: Listening!课后请认真朗读所听过的听力材料!请听对话材料,完成书中所附听力练习! Homework!课下认真朗读本单元单词及对话! Thank you !


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