Mob Land《暴民之地(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Mob Land《暴民之地(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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冬天的死寂,冷得像地狱一样。 Dead of winter, cold as all hell. 一个男人招呼一辆计程车,他滑了进去, A man hails a cab, he slides in, 坐在后座的温暖中。 sits in the warmth in the back seat. 几英里外,计程车撞上了一片黑冰, A few miles down the road, cab hits a sheet of black ice, 开始旋转脱离控制, starts spinning outta control, 走向桥边, heading towards the edge of the bridge, 下面只有黑色。 nothing but blackness below. 司机尖叫道:「我们都要死了! Driver screams, "We're all gonna die!" 男人平静地向前倾身,轻声说: The man calmly leans forward and softly says, “你能把收音机调大吗?” "Could you turn the radio up?" 我不明白,你是哪一个? I don't get it, which one are you? 司机还是后面的人? The driver or the guy in the back? 两者都有。 Both. 嘿嘿! Hey, hey! 呃! Uh! 我们可能都在滑向边缘, We may all be sliding towards the edge, 但这取决于你做得有多舒服。 but it's up to you how comfortable you are doing it. 还你的债,朋友。 Pay your debts, friend. 哦,见鬼了。 Oh, hell. 嘿嘿。怎麽样? Hey. How's it going? 好,是的,到了那裡。 Good, yeah, getting there. 需要你明天回到32, Need you back on 32 tomorrow, 一旦你把这个扣上了。 once you get this buttoned up. 好的,是的。 Okay, yeah. 认为你可以处理 Think you can handle 吉姆下周的两个班次? two of Jim's shifts next week? 嗯,是的。 Well, hell yeah. 很好,因为他需要休息一周, Good, 'cause he'll need to take the week off, 孩子死了。 the kid died. 什麽? What? 妈的,迦勒? Shit, Caleb? 好吧,他要花一周时间,葬礼等等。 Well, he's gonna take the week, funeral and all. 是的,是的。 Yeah, yeah. 该死的,到底发生了什麽? Damn, what the hell happened? 过量,他妈的药丸或其他任何东西。 Overdose, fucking pills or whatever else. 也很可惜,他是个好孩子, It's a shame too, he was a good kid, 他曾经是,我不知道。 he used to be, I don't know. 是啊。 Yeah. 我得。 I gotta. 谢谢,迈克。 Thanks, Mike. 是的。 Yep. 我仍然不明白为什麽它必须这麽大声。 I still don't get why it's gotta be so loud. 嗯,因为大声是快。 Well, 'cause loud is fast. 那你为什麽比赛而妈妈不比赛呢? So how come you race and Mama doesn't? 好吧,宝贝女儿,因为妈很聪明。 Well, baby girl, 'cause your Mama's smart. 你是什麽? And you're what? 嗯,我很坚强。 Well, I'm tough and strong. 妈妈不强吗? And Mama's not strong? 哦,天哪,姑娘。 Oh, geez, girl. 看,有时它不是关于, Look, sometimes it's not about, 你知道,你能举起多少,对吧, you know, how much you can lift, right, 但是关于你能承载多少重量, but about how much weight you can carry, 这让你变得坚强,你知道这意味着什


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