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Course Introduction;Teaching Objectives;Principles of Good Business Writing;Correctness select correct words or phrases Concreteness use concrete modifiers Courtesy use positive words and expressions instead of negative words and expressions ; Style of Business Writing;Unit 2 Letter Format;Leading-in 中文信函文书写作; 4.祝颂语:结语写完后,另起一行低两格写“此致”,另起一行顶格写“敬礼”。 注意:“敬礼”后可带感叹号,也可不带。“此致”的规范位置除了可另起一行低两格写,还可以紧接着结语写。 5.落款:通常与祝颂语间隔两行,在右下行位置写上发出介绍信的单位名称以及发出介绍信的年月日并加盖公章。 6.日期;介 绍 信 南海电视台: ???? 兹介绍我院中文系xx 同学前往贵处联系暑期社会实习相关事宜,请接洽。 ? ????? 此致 敬礼! ? 华南师范大学南海学院中文系 xx年6月(盖章) ;Letter Structures and Placement;Sample Letter ;We thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. In compliance with your… Yours truly, Sig. Mary Zhang Credit Manager EM: mef Enc. cc our Shanghai Branch Office ?;1. Letterhead: the essential particulars about the writer ;For example:; American one: Month/Day/Year British one : Day/Month/Year;: the name and address of the organization receiving the letter ;If you send your message officially to an organization, an attention line allows you to send it directly to a specific individual, officer, or department. ;5. Salutation ;6. Subject Line ;7. Body ; e.g. Formal: Dear Sir(s) Yours faithfully Gentlemen Truly yours Less formal: Dear Mr. Henry Yours sincerely Dear Ms. Smith Yours cordially;9. Signature ; It consists of the signer’s initials in capitals followed by a slash or colon followed by the lowercase initials of the person preparing the letter. e.g. MZ / wg;11. Enclosure (or Attachment) ; 12. Carbon Copy If you distribute copies of the letter to other readers, type c.c., cc or Cc one or two lines below any enclosure notation. e.g. Cc Mr. Wright cc Robert Keats, President Jim Carter, Mark


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