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0 2 I Welcome to the district heating and cooling outlook 2023! | In the past decade, the EU has made giant steps towards accelerating the decarbonisation of the elec廿icity sector. It is now time to address tl1e hidden pa1t of小e iceberg: heating and cooling! The size of the challenge is unprecedented: heating accounts for half of Europe's energy demand and remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels. However, as always, there is a bright side to it The potential of local clean and renewable heat sources is significant in Europe and heavily untapped. The EU is also home to leading clean heating technologies and infrastructure, such as district heating and cooling, heat pumps and high-efficiency cogeneration. We have the solutions at our fingertips, but where do we start? A venerable Socrates once said, "To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom". This is exactly the ambition of Euroheat & Power's DHC Outlook. This publication sheds light on the development of European district heating and cooling markets, identifies key political and business trends shaping the future of our sector, and supports our members and policymakers to take informed decisions about the future. The DHC Market Outlook is already a well-established deliverable, but the 2023 edition brings significant improvements. First, aggregated indicators on district heating and cooling at the European level are fully updated, including new data on waste heat in some surveyed countries. Some results are striking, hinting at the true potential of our sector! '1\l'ho knew there a


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中学高级教师 从事一线教育教研15年多

