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译林版小学英语三年级下册全册教学;;;;;;;;;;stand up 起立;;;;Stand up.;;Yes, Mr Green;;I’m sorry. 对不起。 ;I‘m sorry, Mr Green.;;对着干 ;Wang Bing, please close the window.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ; ;; Homework;Is this your pencil?;;;Let's say;;;pencil case;pencil case;;;;Is that…?;Is that…?;Is that…?;A: Is this your …? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. A: Is that your …? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.;;;;;Unit3;In the Art room;A: Hello, Paul. What’s this? B: It’s_______ ________. A: Is it your orange? B: Yes,_______ ________. A: And what’s that? Is it an apple? B: No, it_______. It’s a pear. A: Is it your ______, too? B: ______, it isn’t.;; ;Homework:;Unit4 where's the bird?;The first time,where is the bird?;The second time,where is the bird?;The third time,where is the bird?;The fourth time,where is the bird?; Read after the tape(跟读);; Read and find(读故事,找出答案);Magic eyes;Magic eyes;;Love birds is everyone's responsibility.;goodbye!;Unit 5 How old are you? ;What can you see? (快速说出你看见了什么?);How old are they?;;1.Mike and his family are in a museum.what can you see in the museum? (maik 和他的家人来到展览馆里,他们在展览馆里看到了什么?);Do you know?;;如果看到数字或英文句子时,请大声说出来; 如果看到可爱的小动物,一起拍手说:“How lovely!”;Name(姓名): ;;;;;; What does Sam want? (Sam到底想要什么?) ;;;Good Reader;; Show time ;It’s time for gifts! ;It’s time for gifts! 盒子里有很多任务,如果 你全部完成得到九颗星,就可以获得小礼物哦!;Ticking time 1: I can count. (我会用英语数数);Ticking time 1: I can find. (我能找到规律填出数字);Ticking time 1: I can read. (我会读这些号码);Ticking time 2: I can ask. (我会询问他人年龄);How___ ___ you, …? I’m ____ .;--- … --- How old are you? --- I’m … --- … ;How___ ___ you, …? I’m ____ .;seven;Ticking time 3: I can say. (我会说这首绕口令);homework;Goodbye boys and girls! Thanks!;;;;breakfast;;;表示重读;;;;;三人一组(Mum,Liu Tao,and Miss Li);;It’s … o’clock.; Miss Shen's timetable; My timetable; Time is life. 时间就是生命。 Please treasure time! 请珍惜时间!;怎??问时间? 怎样说时间? 某个时间到了。 怎样叫醒别人? 怎样叫别人快点?;;Goodbye!;Unit 7 On the farm ;可以向老师来介绍一下你的同学吗?; farm ;on the farm


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