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拿破仑的英文简介 Napolon Bonaparte / Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte, August 15, 1769 - May 5, 1821), Napolon I, born in Corsica, nineteenth century Frances great military strategist, politician, founder of the first empire of France. Served as the first ruling of the first republic of France (1799-1984), the first emperor of France (1804 - 1815). Napoleon on November 6, 1804 crowned emperor, the Republic into the empire. During the reign of the French emperor, is also the history of Charles III after the second to enjoy the name of the French emperor. He has enacted the Napoleonic Code, which has perfected the world legal system and laid the social order of the Western capitalist countries. Foreign forces led by the United States, the United States, Russia and other countries of the anti-French alliance, to win more than 50 field of large-scale campaign, a heavy blow to the European countries feudal system, to defend the results of the French Revolution. During his reign in France, he extended to the Napoleonic Wars, became the Protector of the King of Italy, the Protector of the Rhine Confederation, the Swiss Federal Arbitrator, the French Empire Colonial (including the French colonies, the Dutch colonies, the Spanish colonies, etc.). In the most glorious period, Europe, except the United Kingdom, the rest of the country to Napoleon surrender or alliance. Formed a huge Napoleonic empire system, creating a series of military and political miracles and short glorious achievements. Napoleon abdicated in 1814 and then exiled to Elba Island. After the establishment of the 100th dynasty in 1815 again after the defeat of Waterloo was exiled. May 5, 1821, Napoleon died in St. Helena Island. In 1840, his coffin was greeted in Paris, France, a grand buried in the French banks of the Seine River in Paris (the old hospital in Paris disabled). 拿破仑人物评价 Hugo: failed to turn the losers become more nobl


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