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阅读理解 Sometimes people can find new interest in old things. For me, it was discovering a love for ballet more than 15 years after I first started training. My parents put me in ballet classes as a young girl and I just sort of kept going. I don’t know I had any particular passion for it. I quitted. It felt like I was slowly closing a chapter in my life, with no particular sorrow about the matter. Years later, something, maybe boredom, led me to a decision to start classes at a studio, where I met a group of middle-aged ballet lovers, all of them starting ballet as adults. Stepping into the ballet studio again unearthed a whole set of unexpected feelings. I wasn’t strong or flexible enough to accomplish moves that used to be second nature. I had to stop to adjust my breath after each combination in the center. Mostly, I felt ashamed. But those women cheered me on. The longer I watched them in class, the more I was moved. This was the point staring me right in the face—it didn’t matter; they just loved to dance. Their passion for ballet helped me see it in a new light. It didn’t need to be competitive; it was something people did for fun, no matter what their skill level is. Slowly, it began to feel challenging in a good way. I started having fun. I’ve found that when we dance, it’s an exercise in directing our energy to a number of different areas. When we stepped on stage for our year-end performance, I felt the effects of that sustained attention and my body flowed through well-practiced movements. I was totally lost in bright stage lights and felt the whole world belonged to me. After the performance, one of the audience came to me and remarked, “Wow, I can tell you really like to dance!” I smiled and nodded. It was true. 1.What did the author think of ballet at first? A.It opened a new page in her life. B.It required great determination. C.It killed her passion for dance. D.It made little difference to her. 2.What inspired the author’s interest in ballet? A.Her pa


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