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阅读理解 Wildlife photographer Sam Turley and his wife Vera found a two-week-old blesbok (南非白面大羚羊) — whom they named Meme — on her own. She was spotted wandering around on her own after her mother passed away. The pair took Meme in and raised the animal themselves for seven months before releasing her back out into the wild. Neither of them had ever raised a blesbok before. So it required a huge amount of patience and compassion to keep her fit and healthy but it deserved the effort. Meme would follow Vera wherever she went and sometimes the couple would have a blesbok, a dog and a cat all walking together. In the right areas, blesbok are a really common antelope to see and they are therefore often overlooked and under-appreciated. It was a privilege to be let into blesbok’s secret world and they learned more about blesbok than they thought was ever possible. After releasing Meme back out into the wild, the couple were convinced they would never see her again, until several months later when they were driving around a reserve and happened to come across a herd of blesbok. Vera called out Meme’s name in the hope of finding Meme. Blesbok all look very similar to one another, which makes it very difficult to distinguish individuals. When Vera started to talk, the herd raised their heads and looked over. Vera continued to call Meme and as all the other blesbok lost interest, one individual held her gaze and ran straight up to her. After rescuing the lonely animal, Sam and Vera found it extremely emotional to have to release her back out into the wild to fend for herself — even though they knew it was the right thing to do. But after having such a strong bond with an animal, it was really difficult to see her go. They had put so much time, effort and energy into raising her but to see her walking in a herd of blesbok made it all worthwhile. 1.What happened to Meme when she was spotted? A.She was lost in the forest. B.She became an orphan. C.She was hunted by a couple. D.She


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